Worship in Church and at Home

Worship in Church and at Home

Services in Arley

St. Michael’s – New Arley – 10:30 – 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month

St. Wilfrid’s – Old Arley -10:30 – 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month

If you are unable to join us please not that we are still publishing a Home Worship Services on this Web site each week.

Please see below


COVID 19 Guidance on Living

The government has now published its Guidance on Living with COVID-19. (See www.gov.uk)

People are continuing to be advised that there are safer behaviours they can adopt to reduce the risk of infection.
Precautions remain particularly important to those who are at higher risk if they catch COVID-19, although due to advances in vaccination and therapeutics, this group is now better protected.

The majority of people previously considered clinically extremely vulnerable are now advised to follow the same general guidance as everyone else as a result of the protection they have received from vaccination.

Safer behaviours include getting vaccinated; letting fresh air in, if meeting indoors, or meeting outside; wearing a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces when rates of transmission are high; trying to stay at home if you are unwell; taking a test if you have COVID-19 symptoms; staying at home and avoiding contact with other people if you test positive and washing your hands and following advice to “Catch it. Bin it. Kill it.”

There is a lot more detail in the guidance (See www.gov.uk) but these are the main points which affect our congregation’s.

Please Note

Visiting clergy and service leaders may ask the congregation to follow particular guidance.
Their requests should be respected so they can feel comfortable as they lead us in worship.



Funeral’s can be arranged by contacting the Ministry Team on :–
Phone – 01676 248479
or by E Mail – leysgroupteam@gmail.com

Diocese of Coventry

Diocese have published a list of useful information to be used during
the Corona Epidemic.

Please use the button below to access the Diocese document of Helpful Resources.